Infelizmente, esta atitude de querer ganhar os méritos sem o devido esforço, muito comum na atualidade, foi o fator gerador da atual crise mudial - muita especulação e pouca atividade concreta e produtiva - pode-se dizer que há muitos falsos faixas-pretas agindo na sociedade capitalista mundial."
Palavras do Sensei, Jiro Aoyama, aos alunos na aula de Judô
' The real Judo is not in the color of the belt and yes at heart of each judoca. The very efficiency and mutual development, they are reached only through the practice of the Judo. There are those persons who want the black-belt, but they do not like fighting, training, studying, participating of the events, teaching near, etc. These persons can without effort, pay for the belt and show it off like a peacock, however they will be deceiving to them themselves and worse setting a bad example for the most young. Already one white belt very hard-working, can at heart, after great training be reality black-belt.
Unfortunately, of wanting to gain the merits without the proper effort very common in the present, this attitude was the factor creator of the current world-wide crisis - great speculation and little concrete and productive activity - can say that there are false many people you black-bind acting in the capitalist world-wide society. '
Unfortunately, of wanting to gain the merits without the proper effort very common in the present, this attitude was the factor creator of the current world-wide crisis - great speculation and little concrete and productive activity - can say that there are false many people you black-bind acting in the capitalist world-wide society. '
Words of the Sensei, Jiro Aoyama, to the pupils in the classroom of Judo